‘Anatomy Kaki Persegi’


Anatomi Kaki Persegi’ (Anatomy of a square foot) is an invitation at understanding one of the most prized resources available; land. It aims to raise questions on the absurdity of how something so abundant such as ‘land’ is given a (questionable) value. Highlighting how human conditions for living is continuously being reduced to maximise gross profit.

‘Anatomi Kaki Persegi’ is a reflection of where all this incessant urge to develop land is heading towards and how do we move on from here.

Work medium: Cement bricks, wood, steel, paint, motor oil
Work size: 280 (L) x 96 (W) x 196 (H) CM
Year: 2021

For Bakat Muda Sezaman (Young Contemporaries) organized by Balai Seni Negara. Location host provided for by Suburbia Projects in Petaling Jaya.

‘Anatomi Kaki Persegi’ is in collaboration with Khairul Hiffni.